Online Articles

Man fishing at dawn

Congress Puts Unregulated Fishing on the Hook

February 1, 2023 by Alyssa Greenstein Oceans Regulations Sustainability Wildlife

U.S. Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Jim Inhofe (R-OK), respectively the Chairman and Ranking Members of the Senate Armed Service Committee, and U.S. Representatives Adam Smith (D-WA) and Mike Rogers (R-AL), their counterparts on the House Armed Services…

Using the Explore the Map tool to view data for a specific community in Washington, D.C.

The Biden Administration’s New Tool to Address Environmental Injustice

October 23, 2022 by Casey Hellman Climate change Regulations Sustainability

WHAT IS THE CLIMATE AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE SCREENING TOOL? On January 27, 2021, President Biden issued Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, an executive order intended to increase the primacy of climate issues in domestic and foreign policy…

Chemical symbol for carbon

The Viability of Personal Carbon Trading

April 11, 2022 by Hunter Johnston Climate change Regulations Sustainability

Personal carbon trading refers to a variety of downstream cap-and-trade policies that allocate rights and responsibilities for those greenhouse gas emissions caused by individual consumption of energy during household energy use and/or personal travel…

Fisker Ocean all-electric SUV

The EV Tax Credit Phaseout: Necessary or Not?

March 3, 2022 by Isaac Golub Regulations Sustainability

In 2009, the Obama administration created the electric vehicle tax credit to encourage purchasing electric vehicles (EVs). However, the bill included a built-in phaseout that starts once a manufacturer sells 200,000 electric vehicles. Is the current phaseout quota necessary, or is it ending the tax credit prematurely?

Photo of the Sackett's Property

Rethinking Water: Supreme Court Revisits Sackett

February 2, 2022 by Priya Sinha Litigation Regulations Water

On Monday, January 24, 2022, the Supreme Court granted review of Sackett v. EPA to determine the definition of a “water of the United States,” or WOTUS, under the Clean Water Act (CWA). The outcome of the case could potentially reshape the reach of…

Flooded Street

Striving for Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity in FEMA Climate Change Policy

December 22, 2021 by Ju-Ching Huang Climate change Regulations Sustainability

How well can FEMA's existing flood insurance and grant programs protect Americans under climate change? Background  Climate change is now impacting Americans' daily lives, and floods, in particular, are a pressing issue. Under the threat of climate…