S1 E5 | Anti-Corruption Compliance: Bribery & FCPA
In episode 5, Jim McCurry, Jon Kolodner, and Lisa Vicens provide insights on bribery and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
Topics discussed include, among other things:
- What bribery and the FCPA are
- Advice for companies doing business abroad
- Compliance programs and best practices
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Our Articles may contain references to, or short excerpts from, specific statements in the Compliance & Legal Risk podcast episodes. Please note, to benefit the Article format, in many instances, statements referenced or quoted in an Article may have been edited or shortened, may only focus on one portion of a speaker’s answer to a question or commentary on an issue, or may have had certain interim questions/statements removed. We also repeat certain phraseology in all or many of our articles to aid listeners in comparing articles across episodes and to ensure our listeners have easy access to helpful episode information. For additional context and complete speaker answers, we always encourage you to listen to the full relevant podcast episode!
Thought Leader Spotlight Series
Jim McCurry and others on Data and Risk
Jim McCurry co-authored a piece from May 2020 entitled “How can data help you manage the rapidly changing landscape of risk?”. The piece states, among other things:
“Businesses will need to complement experience and judgement with next-generation capabilities built on data and analytics. In April 2020, EY’s Global Board Risk Survey found that fewer than 20% of board members are extremely confident in risk reporting from management on a range of significant issues. Now more than ever, CXOs must be able to rapidly bring together information sources from across the enterprise alongside external data, to allow leaders to develop a deeper understanding of more complex emerging risks.”
Jon Kolodner, Lisa Vicens, and others on Corporate Criminal Enforcement Policies
Jon Kolodner and Lisa Vicens co-authored a piece with Cleary Gottlieb colleagues in November 2021 entitled “DOJ Announces First Set of Revisions Strengthening Corporate Criminal Enforcement Policies”. The piece discusses a new DOJ Memorandum and states, among other things:
“This initial set of changes to the DOJ’s corporate enforcement policies signals what most expected from the new administration: a renewed and aggressive focus on and approach to corporate misconduct. For a company facing criminal investigation, therefore, advocacy around these issues – such as which individuals were ‘involved’ in misconduct, the relevance of prior criminal conduct, and whether a monitor is warranted – will be of critical importance.”
Jon Kolodner, Lisa Vicens, and others on an Updated FCPA Resource Guide
Jon Kolodner and Lisa Vicens co-authored a piece with Cleary Gottlieb colleagues in July 2020 entitled “DOJ and SEC Release Updated FCPA Resource Guide”. On the updated FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) guide, the Cleary Gottlieb piece states, among other things:
“Elaborating on the compliance program guidance in the first edition, the updated FCPA Guide expands its analysis of an effective compliance program by incorporating DOJ’s 2020 Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs. This updated guidance, which was first promulgated in 2017, provides a framework for DOJ’s analysis of the effectiveness of a company’s compliance program at the time of the offense and charging decision for the purpose of determining: ‘(1) the form of resolution or prosecution, if any; (2) the monetary penalty, if any; and (3) the compliance obligations to be included in any corporate criminal resolution (e.g., whether a compliance monitor is appropriate and the length and nature of any reporting obligations).’”
Jon Kolodner, Lisa Vicens, and others on an SEC Enforcement Action and Crypto Exchanges
Kolodner and Lisa Vicens co-authored a piece with Cleary Gottlieb colleagues in August 2021 entitled “SEC Enforcement Action Against Poloniex Signals Heightened Scrutiny for Crypto Exchanges”. The piece states, among other things:
“The action highlights the SEC’s heightened focus on and prioritization of regulating digital asset products and emerging industry players that the agency believes may not have abided by certain requirements of the federal securities laws. In its July 2017 DAO Report, the SEC warned that offers and sales of digital assets are subject to federal securities laws and stated that ‘any entity or person engaging in the activities of an exchange must register as a national securities exchange or operate pursuant to an exemption from such registration’ such as the exemption for alternative trading systems.”
Jon Kolodner and others on Colorado’s Privacy Act
Jon Kolodner co-authored a piece with Cleary Gottlieb colleagues in July 2021 entitled “The Centennial State Claims a New Number: Colorado to Become Third State in the U.S. to Enact Comprehensive ‘Privacy Act’”. The piece states, among other things:
“Another curious point to note, under the ColoPA [Colorado Privacy Act], the definition of ‘consumer’ covers Colorado residents acting in an individual or household context; however, ‘personal data’ under the Act only covers information that is linked or reasonably linkable to an ‘individual’, and not to an entire household. Thus, arguably, where data is collected that relates to a number of individuals within a household, but is not capable of being linked to one specific individual within that household, the rights afforded to Colorado consumers under the Act may not apply.”