First Year and Transfer J.D. Students
- Merit Scholarships are managed by the Office of Admissions. Please contact their office for all information.
- Tax Documents for Need-Based Grant Applicants – Please DO NOT send tax documents to Georgetown Law at this time, even if CollegeBoard states that you should submit tax documents within your CSS Profile or directly to us. Tax documents are submitted and received at Step 8.
- *IMPORTANT – If you were newly admitted and have an upcoming deposit deadline to the Office of Admissions, please contact their office at or (202) 662-9010 to request an extension. Our processing time can take up to 15 business days.
For your convenience, please utilize the checklists below to help guide you through the complete application process. |
Incoming JD Grant Application Checklist | Incoming JD Loan Only Application Checklist |
Step 1 - FAFSA
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is required for ALL applicants (unless you're only seeking private loans or are an international student). It is the first step in determining your eligibility for federal aid (loans and work study). This is an ANNUAL process.
Be sure to select the correct application year. Use School Code G21075.
As a Graduate student, your parents' information IS NOT required on the FAFSA.
Step 2 - CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE
This step is required if you are a JD applicant and wish to apply for our need-based grant assistance for the first time. We do not have access to fee waivers for the CSS Profile. SKIP THIS STEP if you are an International applicant or only wish to apply for loans only.
Use School Code 7306.
Complete information for yourself AND BOTH parents (whether married, never married, separated or divorced) is REQUIRED on the CSS Profile for ALL need-based grant aid applicants regardless of age, independence or marital status. As you are charged by CollegeBoard per school submission, please ensure that you have been admitted to Georgetown Law, filled out all questions and have completed the Household B for a non-custodial parent, if your parents were never married, separated or divorced.
Though the CSS Profile may state that you should submit your parent's taxes, we ask that you DO NOT send tax documents to Georgetown Law UNLESS you have received a tentative Georgetown Dean's Tuition Grant award. Tax documents are submitted in Step 8.
Please see the bottom of this page for additional need-based grant information.
Step 3 - Georgetown Law Credentials
After you are admitted to Georgetown Law you should retrieve your Georgetown Net ID and Student ID (GUID) credentials from the Office of Admissions' Status Check Website. Your GUID is listed as the "Student Tracking Number".
*If you have any issues logging in, please contact the Office of Admissions at
Step 4 - Reset Your Georgetown Password
Once you have your Georgetown Net ID credentials you can reset your temporary Georgetown password through Georgetown's Password Management System.
*If you have any issues, please contact the Office of Admissions at
Step 5 - Complete the Georgetown Law Yellow Application
Following your admission, and based upon your student type, the Yellow Application asks the questions necessary for us to get you a Financial Aid award. Log in with your Net ID and the password you created in the steps above. Select the 2025-2026 Applications and Forms to get to the Yellow Application.
This application can be submitted ONLY ONCE so please ensure accuracy and completeness. Please be sure to use your legal name you used to complete your FAFSA when completing your Yellow Application.
Carefully review in it's entirety, the confirmation e-mail that you will receive after completing your Yellow Application.
Loan Only applicants will receive an immediate tentative financial aid award package. All other Financial Aid awards will begin to be sent on March 31st and on a rolling basis thereafter.
Grant applicants, if your parent(s) have remarried, please be sure to submit W2s for each parent so that we may remove the tax information for each step-parent unless they were used in lieu of a parent. Please DO NOT send tax documents. Your Student ID/GoCard# should be included at the top of all documents.
Step 6 - Financial Aid Notice
Loan Only applicants will receive a tentative financial aid notice via e-mail within a day of submitting their Yellow Application. Please check your email inbox.
Need-based grant applicants will receive a tentative financial aid notice approximately three weeks AFTER completing ALL applicable steps above. Financial aid notifications will start going out via email on March 31st.
Carefully review in it's entirety, your financial aid notice and other included information.
Step 7 - Apply For Your Loans
You must complete various online requirements, for your student loans. These requirements include completing your Master Promissory Notes (MPN), Entrance Counseling and application for the GradPlus (if applicable). Completing your Entrance Counseling will satisfy BOTH Entrance Counseling and Entrance Interview requirements in GU Experience. In early July, these requirements are shown as COMPLETE in GU Experience.
When completing this step, select the option GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY as the school attending. Georgetown Law is not an option.
Please complete this step AFTER June 1st, but BEFORE July 15th.
Georgetown Law will certify the loans during the summer and funds will arrive into your student account prior to the start of classes (late August).
BEFORE YOU CONTINUE: If you have placed a security freeze on your credit file, you must lift or remove the freeze at each credit bureau before you continue. Your funds CAN NOT disburse if you have a security freeze.
Step 8 - Blue Certification Request and Tax Information
Notify Georgetown Law what financial aid you wish to ACCEPT from your award. You do this through our Blue Certification Request which will be available June 1st. Please complete by July 15th. This application can be submitted ONLY ONCE so please ensure accuracy and completeness.
Law students DO NOT accept their financial aid online, though you may receive communication from Main Campus Georgetown or see in GU Experience it stating online acceptance.
If your financial aid award contains a Dean's Tuition Grant, you should upload copies of all applicable 2022 federal tax documents (Foreign equivalent with translation) or IRS non-filing letter (those not required to file) WITHIN the Blue Certification Request for yourself and BOTH of your parents, unless otherwise waived, to confirm and disburse your aid.
Additional Information for Need-Based Grant Applicants:
Georgetown Law requires parental information for all grant applicants, regardless of student age, marital status, financial independence or reluctance to provide aid. Students must provide information for each living parent, even if they are divorced, separated or were never married.
Remarried parents – step-parent CSS Profile information FAB, tax documents are not required however we request that you provide their W2 as it will allow us to exclude their information while reviewing your remarried parent’s tac documents.
If you believe extraordinary circumstances prevent you from complying with the requirements for parental information, you can request a waiver by completing the Non-Custodial Waiver Request Form and attach the relevant official third-party documentation. Exemptions are rarely granted.
If you need to revise/update your Profile, please log back in to College Board. If you make any revisions to your CSS Profile after you have submitted your application, please let us know at once at
In addition, if you or one or more of your parents own a business or farm, your application will not be considered complete without the submission of a completed Business/Farm Supplement.
Additional Information:
Adverse credit information