Emily Volk
Emily Volk is a health care policy enthusiast from Argyle, Texas, who is passionate about making a health care system that is both accessible and equitable. Her particular focus is the availability of health care options at end-of-life. A strong believer that every person deserves a good death, Emily is an ardent supporter of palliative care, diverse methods of body disposition, and fostering discussion about the end-of-life to reduce fear and stigma.
Prior to attending Georgetown Law, Emily worked as a Policy Analyst at the Congressional Joint Economic Committee. There she was able to engage with the economic side of health and death care equity by creating reports for Members and the public on the impact of a wide range of healthcare issues including gun violence, maternal mortality, and chronic illness.
Emily graduated summa cum laude from Baylor University. Her undergraduate thesis focused on the constitutional basis for physician aid-in-dying legislation. During her time in college, she also completed a survey of DC’s own legalization of physician aided death.
At Georgetown, Emily hopes to learn how she can best use the law to continue to advocate for better lives and deaths, particularly given the growing interest in end-of-life considerations in popular culture. She hopes to eventually use her law degree to help create greater choice and transparency around the death and dying process.
In her free time, Emily enjoys cross stitching, playing video games, and reading mystery novels. She also loves going to art galleries and playing with her cat, Matilda.