2021 Advanced eDiscovery Institute

Location: Washington DC
Date: November 18, 2021 - November 19, 2021

As the world reopens, we will be back together in person for the 2021 Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute. Now in its 18th year, join us in Washington, DC to make connections and explore cutting-edge content in technology, eDiscovery, privacy, cross-border discovery and data protection, and cybersecurity. We will hear from thought leaders from Fortune 500 corporations, high-profile plaintiffs’ law firms, and Am Law 100 firms, as well as prominent federal judges experienced in addressing technology issues in civil and criminal cases. Featuring a keynote by the General Counsel of Facebook, and judges’ panels styled as Case Law Update and Discovery Judge Tank, the program is full of insights you don’t want to miss. Network in person with your colleagues and connect with sponsors who will be showcasing the latest eDiscovery services and products.

Please note that space is limited at this year’s Institute.  Register early to reserve your spot!

  • Earn up to 11.0 CLE credit hours (based on a 60-minute credit hour), including 1.0 hours of Ethics
  • Earn up to 13.2 CLE credit hours (based on a 50-minute credit hour), including 1.2 hours of Ethics