Date: January 17, 2024

On American university campuses, the Israel-Gaza conflagration has inflamed anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, sparked violent acts and threats, and led Palestinian and Jewish students to fear for their physical safety and professional futures. With rare exceptions, conversation that aspires toward mutual empathy for Jewish and Palestinian precariousness and loss has been avoided. Some hold that such conversation is impossible. Might there be a way forward, toward caring, inspiring dialogue that models difficult conversation for students – and for America more generally?


Imam Yahya Hendi

Muslim Chaplain at Georgetown University; former Muslim Chaplain at the National Naval Medical Center; Founder and President of Clergy Beyond Borders and Imams for Universe, Dignity, Human Rights and Dialogue

Rabbi Sharon Brous

Founder/Senior Rabbi, IKAR; author, “The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Heal Our Hearts & Mend Our Broken World” (just-released); recently featured on NPR, CNN, the NY Times’ “Ezra Klein Show”; named the most influential Rabbi in America by Newsweek/The Daily Beast; presided at the White House Passover Seder & Hanukkah Menorah Lighting

Professor David Leebron

 Former President, Rice University, & Dean, Columbia Law; former Beinecke Visiting Professor and Distinguished Leader in Residence, Columbia Law; currently Clarence Carter Professor of Legal Studies at Rice

Moderated by Professor M. Gregg Bloche

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