Criminalized Survivors: Disrupting the Abuse to Prison Pipeline for Girls

Location: G12
Date: January 24, 2024

The Center on Gender Justice & Opportunity at Georgetown Law and Rights4Girls are delighted to invite you to a special event in the new year that discusses girls’ paths into the justice system as a result of experiencing gender-based violence as outlined in our co-authored report, Criminalized Survivors: Today’s Abuse to Prison Pipeline for Girls. 


We’re honored to convene a panel of experts who will bring real-world experience and legal perspectives to the discussion, and we’re honored  to have the Georgetown Journal on Gender and the Law as a co-sponsor of the event.


The panel will take place on Wednesday, January 24, 12:30 p.m. at Gewirz Student Center. Please mark your calendars and reserve your seat!  


Panelists include:

  • Elizabeth Quiroz, a survivor of child sex trafficking whose sentence was commuted by Governor Jerry Brown and who went on to co-found Redemption House of the Bay Area; 
  • Rachel de Leon, an investigative journalist whose work uncovering the unfounded arrests of sexual assault survivors is profiled in the Netflix documentary, Victim/Suspect; 
  • James Dold, Founder and CEO of Human Rights for Kids; and
  • Yasmin Vafa, Executive Director of Rights4Girls. 

The discussion will be facilitated by Rebecca Epstein, Executive Director of the Center on Gender Justice & Opportunity at Georgetown Law.

Lunch will be provided.

Register today for this free event to reserve your seat and submit any advance questions for our panelists.