Faculty Summer Workshops

Date: June 17, 2021
Organized by Faculty Support & Campus Svcs.
Presenter Date Topic Host
Kevin Tobia 

(with Victoria Nourse and Brian Slocum)

June 1 “Statutory Interpretation from the Outside” Erin Carroll
Meryl Chertoff June 8 “Federalism Polarization and Associations: the Erosion of Norms and its Governance Implications” Kristen Tiscione
Brian Galle 

(with Yair Listokin)

June 17 “Making Money: Seigniorage, Central Banks, and the Fiscal System” Anna Gelpern
Carlos Vazquez June 22 “Scope, Interests, and Policy: The Unfulfilled Promise of Policy Oriented Choice of Law” Kristen Tiscione
Mary McCord June 24 “Dispelling the Myth of the Second Amendment” Erin Carroll
Amanda Levendowski June 29 “Resisting Face Surveillance” Kristen Tiscione
Nina Srejovic July 1 “Copyright Protection for Works in the Language of Life” Kristen Tiscione
Ju-Ching Huang July 6 “Informal Settlements under Climate Change: A Case Study of Shezidao, Taiwan”  Anupam Chander
David Super July 8 “Public Benefits Law in the U.S. Territories” Anna Gelpern
Adam Levitin July 13 TBA Anna Gelpern
Gabriel Weil July 15 “Global Climate Governance in 3D: Mainstreaming Geoengineering Within a Unified Framework” Anna Gelpern
Mara Revkin July 20 “Insurgent Legality: State-Building and Failure of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” Erin Carroll
Evan Bernick July 22 “”Policing as Unequal Protection” Erin Carroll
Jennifer Sturiale July 27  TBA Erin Carroll
Katrin Kuhlmann July 29 “Reassessing Policy Space in the Context of Sustainable Development and Vulnerabilities in

International Economic Law: A Top-Down Meets Bottom-Up Research Agenda and


Anna Gelpern
Hope Babcock August 3 “How to Choose Between Environmentally Positive Actions When One of Those Actions Can Harm the Other:  A Case Study of the Conflict between the California Condor and Wind Turbines” Anupam Chander
Joseph Page August 5 The Sackler family, Purdue Pharmaceuticals and the Opioid Crisis Kristen Tiscione
Alison Coutifaris August 10 TBA Anupam Chander
Eduardo Ferrer August 12 “Razing the Foundation: How Deconstructing Delinquency, Demolishing Parens Patriae, and Replacing Rehabilitation Provides a Blueprint for a 21st Century Juvenile Legal System” Erin Carroll
Neel Sukhatme August 17 TBA Anupam Chander
Sherally Munshi August 24 “Dispossession: An American Property Law Tradition” Anupam Chander


Papers will be circulated prior to each workshop.