Faculty Summer Workshops
Presenter | Date | Topic | Host |
Kevin Tobia
(with Victoria Nourse and Brian Slocum) |
June 1 | “Statutory Interpretation from the Outside” | Erin Carroll |
Meryl Chertoff | June 8 | “Federalism Polarization and Associations: the Erosion of Norms and its Governance Implications” | Kristen Tiscione |
Brian Galle
(with Yair Listokin) |
June 17 | “Making Money: Seigniorage, Central Banks, and the Fiscal System” | Anna Gelpern |
Carlos Vazquez | June 22 | “Scope, Interests, and Policy: The Unfulfilled Promise of Policy Oriented Choice of Law” | Kristen Tiscione |
Mary McCord | June 24 | “Dispelling the Myth of the Second Amendment” | Erin Carroll |
Amanda Levendowski | June 29 | “Resisting Face Surveillance” | Kristen Tiscione |
Nina Srejovic | July 1 | “Copyright Protection for Works in the Language of Life” | Kristen Tiscione |
Ju-Ching Huang | July 6 | “Informal Settlements under Climate Change: A Case Study of Shezidao, Taiwan” | Anupam Chander |
David Super | July 8 | “Public Benefits Law in the U.S. Territories” | Anna Gelpern |
Adam Levitin | July 13 | TBA | Anna Gelpern |
Gabriel Weil | July 15 | “Global Climate Governance in 3D: Mainstreaming Geoengineering Within a Unified Framework” | Anna Gelpern |
Mara Revkin | July 20 | “Insurgent Legality: State-Building and Failure of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” | Erin Carroll |
Evan Bernick | July 22 | “”Policing as Unequal Protection” | Erin Carroll |
Jennifer Sturiale | July 27 | TBA | Erin Carroll |
Katrin Kuhlmann | July 29 | “Reassessing Policy Space in the Context of Sustainable Development and Vulnerabilities in
International Economic Law: A Top-Down Meets Bottom-Up Research Agenda and Methodology” |
Anna Gelpern |
Hope Babcock | August 3 | “How to Choose Between Environmentally Positive Actions When One of Those Actions Can Harm the Other: A Case Study of the Conflict between the California Condor and Wind Turbines” | Anupam Chander |
Joseph Page | August 5 | The Sackler family, Purdue Pharmaceuticals and the Opioid Crisis | Kristen Tiscione |
Alison Coutifaris | August 10 | TBA | Anupam Chander |
Eduardo Ferrer | August 12 | “Razing the Foundation: How Deconstructing Delinquency, Demolishing Parens Patriae, and Replacing Rehabilitation Provides a Blueprint for a 21st Century Juvenile Legal System” | Erin Carroll |
Neel Sukhatme | August 17 | TBA | Anupam Chander |
Sherally Munshi | August 24 | “Dispossession: An American Property Law Tradition” | Anupam Chander |
Papers will be circulated prior to each workshop.