New Tech, Old Story: How Understanding the History of Worker Surveillance Should Inform Policies and Regulation

Location: 500 First Street, 9th floor convening space
Date: April 10, 2024
Organized by Center on Privacy & Technology

How has workplace surveillance played out in U.S. history? How do we see these historical patterns repeated today? What do these echoes mean for both workers and employers in the context of emerging technologies? The “New Tech, Old Story: How Understanding the History of Worker Surveillance Should Inform Policies and Regulation” panel grounds current anti-surveillance at work debates in the context of history. It will also offer some examples of how workers are organizing against surveillance tools being deployed on them, and some ideas for more effective and historically-informed policy interventions. Gabrielle Rejouis, Distinguished Fellow at the Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law, will be joined in a conversation with Jeremy Al-Haj, Executive Director of the Missouri Workers Center,  and Karla Gilbride, General Counsel of the U.S. EEOC. In-person and virtual attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speakers.