Politics & Purpose: Movement Lawyering
The Movement Law Lab is holding a virtual panel and workshop for law students on movement lawyering. Our NLG chapter has encouraged its members to participate in this event. The Movement Law Lab encourages attendees to participate as a group and would like to provide a space for GULC students to attend together. We would also like to provide an opportunity for a social gathering before the workshop begins.
Workshop description:
Politics and Purpose: Movement Lawyering Law Student Edition is a workshop designed to explore the theory, practice and heart of movement lawyering as you start your school year. Together, we will critically examine the relationship between law, lawyers, and social movements and have some real talk about what these times require of us.
Specifically, we will:
Highlight the key theories of social change undergirding movement lawyering in an easy-to-understand analytical framework.
Unpack opportunities to hone your movement lawyering skills at this stage of your life.
Build relationships with other students and movement lawyering practitioners.
Hear wisdom from the field and real life stories from experienced organizers and movement lawyers.
WHAT IS THE WORKSHOP FORMAT? This workshop consists of one 3-hour interactive online session via Zoom with breaks and a smaller group breakout for more personalized interaction with panelists.