Storytelling as Social Justice Advocacy

Location: Sport and Fitness Lobby
Date: October 14, 2022

Storytellers & Students’ Roundtable on Environmental Justice

Storytellers from the frontlines of environmental justice battles will share the power of stories as a form of advocacy for social change and an anti-racist future. This event provides a unique opportunity for cross-campus dialogue between Howard and Georgetown Law students, and brings activist experts into conversation with the next generation of lawyers. This is a unique opportunity for students and law schools to learn from each other as well as directly from those most impacted by corporate pollution, misconduct, and practices. The event will inspire dialogue, action, and learning about social change both through the legal system and extralegal advocacy.

We are grateful for the support of Georgetown’s Environmental Law & Policy Program and Environmental Law & Justice Clinic for sponsoring this event. This event is co-hosted with People over Plastic, a new BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) storytelling and environmental justice power-building collective.

Featuring: Frankie Orona, Society of Native Nations; Shashawnda Campbell, South Baltimore Community Land Trust; Lorena Quiroz, Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equity in Jackson, MS.

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