Virginia-Georgetown Manual Concerning the Use of Force Under International Law: Rules and Commentaries on Jus ad Bellum
On November 13th from 3 to 5 pm, the Georgetown Law Center on National Security will host a discussion on the recently published Virginia-Georgetown Manual Concerning the Use of Force Under International Law: Rules and Commentaries on Jus ad Bellum. This Manual is a first-of-its kind document. While a number of manuals dealing with various aspects of the Law of Armed Conflict have been produced, an effort to articulate those international norms applicable to the use of force by States has never been undertaken. It is the culmination of six years of work by 12 experts in this area of the law, from 10 countries (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States).
Opening Remarks:
Stephen Preston, Partner, WilmerHale and Chair, ABA Standing Committee on Law & National Security
Professor John Norton Moore, Walter L. Brown Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Virginia School of Law
Professor Craig Forcese, Law Faculty, University of Ottawa