Not sure where to start?  Consider speaking with one of the following resources:

Confidential Advising

If you have experienced an incident of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct,  you may wish to consult first with Sarah Stanley, the law school’s Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Liaison (SARVL).  Sarah is a confidential counseling resource who can help students connect with a range of supportive academic, residential, counseling and extracurricular resources, discuss options for filing conduct code and/or law enforcement complaints, and support them through the process if they decide to file a complaint.  



Sarah Stanley

Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Liaison (SARVL)


Speak with a Title IX Coordinator

In addition to the fully confidential SARVL resource, students are welcome and encouraged to contact Lisa Curtis, the Law Center’s Deputy Title Coordinator, or Samantha Berner, the University’s Title IX Coordinator, to make reports of and/or seek supportive resources from the university following incidents of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. 


Lisa Curtis

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the Law Center

Hotung 3101 


Samantha Berner

Title Coordinator and Director of Title IX Compliance



The Title IX coordinators work with individuals who experience sexual misconduct to help identify and coordinate supportive resources and explain the University’s policies and complaint processes. Supportive measures are available to individuals experiencing any type of sexual misconduct regardless of whether or not they decide to file a formal complaint.  

Please note the Deputy Title IX Coordinator will keep information private to the extent possible, but they are not a fully confidential resource.  Those who wish to keep information strictly confidential should contact the Law Center’s SARVL, who is a fully confidential resource.

Note: Students don’t have to choose between meeting with the SARVL or the Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Speaking with the fully confidential SARVL does not prevent you from also consulting with the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or pursuing the Law Center’s internal disciplinary process or any external criminal processes.  


Mandatory Reporters

If you disclose an incident of sexual misconduct to a Georgetown employee (faculty or staff) who is not a fully confidential resource (eg, the SARVL, or a CAPS counselor), those staff will share information about your report with the Law Center’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Lisa Curtis, consistent with the requirements of Title IX and university policy. 

As Deputy, Ms. Curtis is charged with responding to incidents and reports of sexual harassment or misconduct, and ensuring student and community safety. When she receives a report, she typically will email you to help identify and connect with a range of supportive resources, and discuss options for navigating any disciplinary or criminal processes. You are not obligated to respond. 

Learn more about mandatory reporters at the University. 

Faculty and staff may review guidance for mandatory reporters here.