Juris Doctor Degree Program Honors

Summa Cum Laude

Please refer to the “Graduation Honors for Spring 2020” for the honors cutoffs

Magna Cum Laude

Please refer to the “Graduation Honors for Spring 2020” for the honors cutoffs

Cum Laude

Please refer to the “Graduation Honors for Spring 2020” for the honors cutoffs

Order of the Coif

Please refer to the “Graduation Honors for Spring 2020” for the honors cutoffs

Dean’s List

Based on Summer and Fall 2020 semester GPA – 3.82

Graduate Degree Program Honors

LL.M. Honors

Graduation with Distinction

Please refer to the “Graduation Honors for Spring 2020” for the honors cutoffs

Graduate Program Dean’s List by Specialization – LL.M.

Please refer to the “Graduation Honors for Spring 2020” for the honors cutoffs

*PLEASE NOTE: The Law Center does not rank its students.  The faculty has, however authorized the above academic honors for students with distinguished academic records.  For purposes of calculating a students’ eligibility for these honors, students graduating after a Summer session or Fall semester will be included with the class that graduated in the previous Spring semester.