Securing a Sustainable Future through IP Law

Spencer Perkins
Spencer’s professional interests span across engineering, business, and the law. He enjoys the complex challenge of promoting advances in technology, while balancing financial impacts, and legal limitations. As a member of the Georgetown Law Technology Review, Spencer is excited to develop legal skills at the forefront of innovation and invention.

Patented Inventor, Renewable Scientist

Spencer’s background is technical, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, with a minor in economics from Duke University. His undergraduate study led him to work at a wearable technology firm, becoming a co-inventor of two patented designs. He also pursued research in various academic and industrial labs, studying global climate-economy models, ocean energy harvesting, and photochemical energy storage. This passion led Spencer to become interested in intellectual property and its wide-ranging, constantly evolving impact.

Legal Research and Experience

During his 1L summer, Spencer joined DC Justice Lab as a legal intern, where he researched computerized monitoring of social media by law enforcement agencies. In addition, he testified before the DC Council’s Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, where he discussed the value of non-police first responders for mental/behavioral health crises. Spencer is now an active Research Assistant to Professor Hillary Sale, where he explores issues involving corporate governance, oversight, and accountability. Spencer is proud to be joining Finnegan as a 2022 Summer Associate in its DC office.

Background and Life Outside of Law

Spencer was born and raised in Washington, DC and loves cheering on the Nationals and Capitals. He also enjoys skiing and listening to podcasts about entrepreneurship, science, and economics.

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Duke University, BSE (distinction) Mechanical Engineering, 2020

Georgetown Law, JD expected, 2023