Location: 500 First St NW, 9th Floor
Date: February 6, 2024

As Russia’s horrific war of aggression against Ukraine approaches its second anniversary, expert conversations in the United States understandably focus on ensuring Ukraine’s victory. But Russia’s defeat will not guarantee a sustainable peace; that will require a fundamental transformation of the Russian state and Russian society. Yet, so far, there has been little discussion of Russia’s post-war future.

Establishing the rule of law is a key component of a peaceful post-war Russia. The current discourse often overlooks the extent to which law, legal design, and legal process mattered for Russia’s post-Soviet trajectory, first during the 1990s and then as it was sliding into authoritarianism during the Putin era. What mistakes did Russian lawmakers and their Western advisers make in the early post-Soviet years? Were there design flaws from the outset? What were the legal instruments, structures, and processes that subsequently enabled Putin’s regime to consolidate its power?

Once the opportunity for legal reform arises, it is vital that Russia does not repeat the mistakes of the past. What are possible ways forward towards constitutionalism in a post-war, post-Putin Russia? What vision of separation of powers, federalism, and human rights should a new Russia embrace? How should it tackle endemic corruption, restore space for civil society, and ensure the independence of the media? What role should transitional justice play?

Join us for a half-day symposium to explore the how to build the rule of law into Russia’s future. This event offers an opportunity to engage with experts, scholars, and activists who share a passion for understanding Russia’s political landscape and a desire to ensure her democratic future. Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking gathering where we’ll discuss the challenges and possibilities that lie ahead. Mark your calendars and be part of the conversation.


Randy Bregman, Senior Counsel, Dentons

Caroline Fredrickson, Distinguished Visiting Professor from Practice, Georgetown Law

Kathryn Hendley, Theodore W. Brazeau Professor of Law & Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jeffrey Kahn, University Distinguished Professor, SMU Dedman School of Law

Elisa Massimino, Executive Director, Human Rights Institute, Georgetown Law

Ekaterina Mishina, Professor, Free University / Briva University

Will Pomeranz, Director of the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute

David Rubino, Director, Europe & Eurasia Division, American Bar Association

Mark Tushnet, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law Emeritus, Harvard University

Grigory Vaypan, Democracy Fellow, Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)

Maria Voskobitova, Program Director, Europe & Eurasia Division, American Bar Association