My Kind of Data

What is the Law Center Data Team?

The Law Center Data Team was founded in September 2018 to leverage institutional data and help Georgetown Law make more data-informed decisions.  Learn more about the team!

What Is International Love Data Week?

Organized by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan, International Love Data Week was first established in 2016 to “celebrate data in all its forms, promote good research data management strategies, share data success and horror stories, and ask hard questions about the role of data in our lives.”

Georgetown Law ILDW Activities

During the week of February 12 through 16, the Georgetown University Law Center Data Team invites you to celebrate data! Activities and resources include:

A profile of a Georgetown Law data user: Kristy Kowalski

Learn data skills on LinkedIn Learning:

Respond to quick, fun surveys: