The annual Frank F. Flegal Teaching Award for outstanding teaching was instituted in 1995 to recognize teaching excellence in its many forms.

Frank FlegalFrank Flegal taught at the Law Center from 1971 to 1992; his colleagues described him as “a wonderful colleague, highly supportive of each of us who had the great pleasure of serving with him. But above all, he was an accomplished teacher. Some of us would go so far as to say that he was the most outstanding teacher that we had ever had the pleasure of observing. It was only fitting that, upon his much-too-early death, an Excellence in Teaching Award was established in his name.

Each year, we honor a different full-time faculty member for his or her teaching excellence. In some years the award was given to a group of faculty for an outstanding group effort (e.g., the two groups of faculty who created the curricula for Section 3 and Week One).

The awardee is chosen by the Teaching Committee, upon nominations from faculty and students.

Erin Carroll

Anne Marie Whitesell (Graduate Programs)

Paul Butler

Anne Fleming (awarded posthumously)

Frances C. DeLaurentis

David Super

Lilian Faulhaber

Eloise Pasachoff

Abbe Smith

Jeffrey Shulman

Lawrence Solum

Naomi Mezey

Earlier recipients

Heathcote Woolsey Wales (2012); Jane H. Aiken (2011); Stephen B. Cohen (2010); Donald C. Langevoort (2009); Diana Roberto Donahoe (2008); Jeffrey D. Bauman (2007); Barry E. Carter, Richard D. Diamond, Michael H. Gottesman, Vicki C. Jackson, Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow, Julie Rose O’Sullivan, Julie L. Ross, and Carlos Manuel Vázquez (2006); David J. Luban (2005); Michael H. Gottesman (2004); Samuel Dash and Lisa Heinzerling (2003); Richard J. Lazarus (2002); Elizabeth Hayes Patterson (2001); Milton C. Regan (2000); Peter P. Weidenbruch, Jr. (1999); Julie Rose O’Sullivan (1998); John M. Copacino (1997); Anita L. Allen, Daniel R. Ernst, William N. Eskridge, Garry Peller, Jill J. Ramsfield, Louis Michael Seidman and Mark V. Tushnet (1996); and Steven Goldberg and Girardeau A. Spann (1995).