Professor Saad’s research focuses on the use of private law tools and private ordering mechanisms to address systemic environmental and sustainability challenges. She specializes in environmental law, tort law, and corporate law and governance. Professor Saad’s work has been published or is forthcoming in the Boston College Law Review, Nature Climate Change, the Columbia Business Law Review, the Berkeley Business Law Journal, the Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Law, and in edited volumes by Routledge and Palgrave MacMillan.

Prior to joining Georgetown, Professor Saad was a Dickerson Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School. She was previously a fellow at the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance and editor of the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, and the inaugural Bartlett Fellow at Yale Law School. Professor Saad has externed for Judge William Fletcher on the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and for Judge Edward Chen on the US District Court for the Northern District of California.

Professor Saad holds a J.D. from Yale Law School, a doctorate in Geography and the Environment from Oxford University (where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar), and a B.S. in Environmental Health Science from UNC Chapel Hill. Professor Saad is also an Honorary Research Associate at Oxford University and leads executive education programming for Oxford’s Sustainable Law Program.


Forthcoming Works - Journal Articles & Working Papers

Aisha I. Saad, ESG Litigation and the Political Economy of Corporate Governance, Rev. Litig. (forthcoming).

Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

Aisha I. Saad, Attribution for Climate Torts, 64 B.C. L. Rev. 867-948 (2023). [WWW] [HEIN] [W] [L] [SSRN]
Aisha I. Saad, Corporate Technocracy: ESG Governance Beyond Shareholder Democracy or Managerialism, 2023 Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 825-891. [WWW] [W] [L] [SSRN]
Aisha I. Saad, Corporate Personhood: Possibilities for Progressive, Trans-Doctrinal Legal Reform, 61 B.C. L. Rev. E. Supp. I.-21 (2020). [WWW] [HEIN] [W] [L] [SSRN]
Aisha I. Saad & Diane Strauss, A New “Reasonable Investor” and Changing Frontiers of Materiality: Increasing Investor Reliance on ESG Disclosures and Implications for Securities Litigation, 17 Berkeley Bus. L.J. 391-433 (2020). [WWW] [HEIN] [W] [L] [SSRN]