Austin Martin Williams is the Director of the Law Library and a Professor of Law. Professor Williams previously served as both the Interim Director and Deputy Director of the Georgetown University Law Library. Before joining Georgetown, Professor Williams served as the Assistant Law Library Director at North Carolina Central University School of Law. While at NCCU, he also co-taught Law Practice Technology, served as an advisor for the North Carolina Central University Science & Intellectual Property Law Review, and represented the School of Law on the university’s Research & Grants Strategic Planning Committee. Prior to joining North Carolina Central University, Professor Williams worked at Georgia State University College of Law, where he served as the Coordinator of Research Instructional Services and taught two courses, Research Methods in Law and Georgia Legal Research.

Professor Williams is an active member of the American Association of Law Libraries and the Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries, and he previously served as the Vice-President of the Atlanta Law Libraries Association. He also has published several articles, book chapters, and CALI lessons, and presented at local, national, and regional conferences.

Professor Williams received both his J.D. and M.L.S. from North Carolina Central University, and his B.A. in History from North Carolina State University.


Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

Austin Martin Williams, On File With: Challenges of Inaccessible References, 114 Law Libr. J. 94-129 (2022).
[Gtown Law] [W] [SSRN]

Selected Contributions to Other Publications

Cas Laskowski, Teresa Miguel-Stearns, Anonymous, Tina Ching, Emily Florio, Kerry Lohmeier, Jean O’Grady, Adeen Postar, Austin Williams & Kristin Wolek, Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Law Libraries (Mid-Atlantic Roundtable Report July 2024). [WWW]
Austin Martin Williams, Leading Remote Teams, AALL Spectrum, Jan./Feb. 2022, at 13-15.
[Gtown Law] [SSRN]

Book Chapters & Collected Works

Austin Martin Williams, Law, in Magazines for Libraries 453-456 (Cheryl LaGuardia ed., New Providence, N.J.: ProQuest 33rd ed. 2025).
Austin Martin Williams, Effective Editorial Board Transitions, in The Scribes Manual for Law Review Editors 133-146 (Darby Dickerson & Brooke J. Bowman eds., Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press 2022). [BOOK]