J.D., Washington & Lee; Taxation, Georgetown
J.D., magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, Washington and Lee University; LL.M. (Taxation), with distinction, Georgetown. Professor O’Connor is a partner in the national law firm of Venable LLP, where he practices in the areas of partnership, real estate, corporate and international taxation. Before joining Venable, Mr. O’Connor was an attorney-advisor for the Office of Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service where he worked on high profile legislative projects, regulations and other published guidance relating to pass-through entities. Professor O’Connor is the author or co-author of numerous articles relating to taxation in professional journals and trade publications, including The Journal of Taxation, The Journal of Passthrough Entities and Business Entities. He also regularly speaks to various professional groups on the topics of business entities and taxation. Professor O’Connor has been a primary participant in the expansion, revision, supplementation and publication of the treatise Tax Planning for Real Estate Transactions, and has been regularly listed in The Best Lawyers in America, among other similar publications, for Tax Law. Professor O’Connor is a member of the Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia Bars as well as the Virginia, Maryland and American Bar Associations.