Professor Yeginsu is an English barrister and arbitrator practicing from 3 Verulam Buildings in Gray’s Inn, London. His work is in commercial litigation, international commercial and investment arbitration, human rights law, and public international law.

Consistently ranked by Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, and Who’s Who Legal for his work in international arbitration, commercial litigation, civil liberties, public international law, and human rights law, Professor Yeginsu has been referred to as “a first-class international advocate [ā€¦] in a class of his own“, “an outstanding advocate with impeccable judgement and formidable brainpower” and recognized as one of ten “Stars” practicing at the London Bar by Legal Week Magazine where he was identified as one of “the London Bar’s true polymaths [ā€¦] able to advocate in a wide variety of legal areas, with seemingly effortless fluency“.

Alongside commercial and investment arbitrations (under the ICSID, LCIA, ICC, LMAA and CIArb Rules), Professor Yeginsu has appeared as Counsel in over 40 cases in the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, UK Supreme Court, and European Court of Human Rights. He has also acted as co-counsel in proceedings before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice, the Federal Court of Malaysia, the Turkish Constitutional Court, and the Supreme Court of the Gambia.

In 2019, Professor Yeginsu was appointed by Lord Neuberger to The High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom, the independent body comprised of 15 international lawyers convened to advise the 50 State Members of The Media Freedom Coalition, co-chaired by Canada and the Netherlands. In 2021, Professor Yeginsu succeeded Amal Clooney as the Deputy Chair of the High Level Panel.

Professor Yeginsu is Lecturer-in-Law at Columbia Law School, New York and Adjunct Professor of Law at KoƧ University Law School, Istanbul. He is Partner Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, and a Member of the IBA’s Investment Arbitration Subcommittee.