"Why Big Tech Shouldn't Be Scared of Unions," an op-ed authored by Adjunct Professor David Goodfriend in The Nation, March 30, 2021.
B.A., Beloit; J.D., Georgetown
David Goodfriend is President of The Goodfriend Group, a public policy advocacy and consulting firm, represent ing clients that include telecommunications and fintech companies, minority-owned media enterprises, non-profit consumer advocacy groups, and labor unions. He served as Deputy Staff Secretary in the White House, Media Legal Advisor to a commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, and professional committee staff in the U.S. Senate and House. Goodfriend founded Air America Radio, Sports Fans Coalition, and Locast, and has appeared on numerous media outlets, including CNBC, Bloomberg, MSNBC, Fox News, Newsy, and Sirius/XM (where for 8 years he co-hosted “Left Jab.”)
"CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox Sue to Stop Locast, a Free Streaming Service," coverage by the New York Times, July 31, 2019, featuring Adjunct Professor David Goodfriend.
"Sinclair / Tribune Merger Has Left and Right United to Fight Terrifying Pro-Trump TV Cartel," coverage by The Daily Beast, April 13, 2018, quoting Adjunct Professor David Goodfriend.
"Cyberharassment victim highlights fee Verizon charges to block stalker," coverage by Northern California Record, April 7, 2018, mentioning Adjunct Professor David Goodfriend.