M.B.A., University of Chicago; J.D., University of Chicago
Ms. Kamerick consults and lectures on corporate governance and compliance matters. She is an NACD Board Leadership Fellow and holds the NACD Director Professionalism Certification. She was recognized by NACD as leading public company director when she was named to the Directorship 100 in 2022. She has served as CFO of such leading companies as BP Amoco Americas, Leo Burnett, Heidrick & Struggles, and Houlihan Lokey. She began her career as a lawyer at the law firm of Skadden Arps and she holds a JD and an MBA, with honors, in Finance and International Business from the University of Chicago. She is a member of the Board of Directors for Associated Banc-Corp, Hochschild Mining, plc, and 20 closed end Legg Mason mutual funds. She also serves on the Board of Directors for ACV Auctions, a Bain and Bessemer Ventures backed company which went public in 2021. She was recently elected as a Director of the Valic Funds. She previously served as an Independent Trustee for AIG Funds. She also served on the Board of Directors for Service Master and IRI before both companies were purchased by private equity firms. She qualifies as an SEC financial expert and chairs three audit committees and one corporate governance and sustainability committee. She is a lecturer at University of Chicago Law School, Georgetown University Law Center, and University of Iowa College of Law and for the NACD Battlefield to Boardroom board readiness program for flag officers as well as for the NACD Director Professionalism course. She recently served as a judge for the Investor Relations Magazine annual corporate governance awards and she will serve as a judge for their initial ESG integration awards in 2022.