B.A., University of Colorado; J.D., Georgetown
B.A., University of Colorado with distinction; J.D., cum laude, Georgetown. Jane Juliano is the Chief of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Unit at the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, where she oversees the resolution of complaints alleging a variety of wrongdoing within the Federal Government.
Prior to the Office of Special Counsel Professor Juliano was an Associate with the Initiative on Religion in International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, where she researched and studied decision science and the role of religious values in negotiation. She was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School and the Program on Negotiation in 2008-09. In addition, for the past twenty years she has served as a mediator, arbitrator and investigator in hundreds of cases for government and private sector clients through her firm, Juliano and Associates.
Professor Juliano has taught mediation and negotiation at Harvard University, Georgetown University Law Center, and George Washington Law School. Prior to devoting her practice to alternative dispute resolution, she was a trial lawyer at the U.S. Department of Justice and in private practice. She earned her J.D. at Georgetown University Law Center, a Master in Public Administration at Harvard Kennedy School, and a Master in Theological Studies and Harvard Divinity School.
Over the past twenty years, Professor Juliano has mediated and arbitrated hundreds of cases involving a wide array of subject matter from interpersonal workplace to commercial and franchise disputes. Professor Juliano has been appointed to many dispute resolution panels including: CPR Institute Panel of Distinguished Neutrals; JAMS; DC Multi-Door Superior Court, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, EEOC, Federal Election Commission and the World Bank Group. In addition, she has served as a neutral grievance officer and investigator of workplace discrimination and misconduct. Professor Juliano has worked with many organizations on the group level to resolve conflict, and to create early dispute prevention and resolution programs. She conducts training in dispute resolution techniques for attorneys, corporations and mediators, has given many professional workshops, and has produced and hosted a series of television programs on mediation for the public. Professor Juliano has also taught mediation workshops to elementary and high school students.
Professor Juliano is a member of the American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section, is a past president of Virginia Mediation Network, and has served on the Board of Directors of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and the Bethesda Community Food Store. She is a member of the D.C. and Virginia bars.