"Trump virus adviser is a rarity in White House ruled by loyalty," coverage in the Bangor Daily News, March 10, 2020, quoting Adjunct Professor Jeffrey S. Crowley.
B.A., Kalamazoo College; M.P.H., John Hopkins
Jeffrey Crowley is the Program Director of Infectious Disease Initiatives at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law and Distinguished Scholar. Professor Crowley is a widely recognized expert on HIV/AIDS and disability policy. From February 2009 through December 2011, he served as the Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy and Senior Advisor on Disability Policy for President Barack Obama. In this capacity, he led the development of our country’s first domestic National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States. In September 2019, he was appointed to the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine Committee on the Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United States.
From 2000 through 2009, Professor Crowley was a Senior Research Scholar at the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute and he received a concurrent appointment as Senior Scholar at the O’Neill Institute shortly after the institute was established. During this time, his research covered a range of health policy issues with an emphasis on Medicaid and Medicare policy, especially as these programs impact people with HIV and other disabilities. He has also served as an informal resource and counsel for Congressional staff and he advised national consumer coalitions, including the HIV Health Care Access Working Group and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities. From 1994 through 2000, he served in various leadership roles at the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA), most recently as Deputy Executive Director for Programs.
Professor Crowley received his Master of Public Health from the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, and his Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry from Kalamazoo College. He is an alumnus of the United States Peace Corps where he served as a Volunteer/High School Science Teacher in Swaziland.
"1 in 5 New HIV Diagnoses Are Among Latinx Gay and Bisexual Men," coverage by PrideSource, April 10, 2019, quoting Adunct Professor Jeffrey S. Crowley, Program Director, Infectious Disease Initiatives, at the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law.
"Trump's Budget Hypocritically Slaches 3 Big Areas in Science," coverage by Daily Beast, March 13, 2019, quoting Program Director of Infectious Disease Initiatives, O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law and Adjunct Professor, Jeffrey S. Crowley.
"State of the Union: Trump's Bold AIDS Plan May Be Undermined By His Anti-LGBT Agenda," coverage by The Daily Beast, February 5, 2019, quoting Jeffrey S. Crowley, Program Director, Infectious Disease Initiatives, O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health.