Professor Jonathon Zytnick joined Georgetown Law in Fall 2022 as an Associate Professor of Law. Previously, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute on Corporate Governance and Finance at New York University School of Law. Jonathon served as Counsel to Commissioner Robert Jackson at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, practiced in the Corporate group at Paul, Weiss, and clerked for the United States Court of Federal Claims. He earned his PhD in Economics from Columbia University, where he was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship and the Wilma Soss Fellowship for research relating to the democratic functioning of corporations and the rights of stockholders. Previously, he earned a JD from Yale Law School, where he was an Olin Fellow and recipient of the Philip Glusker Scholarship. His research focuses on business law and corporate finance, with an emphasis on shareholder voting.


Forthcoming Works - Journal Articles & Working Papers

Edward R. Morrison, Belisa Pang & Jonathon Zytnick, Manipulating Random Assignment: Evidence From Consumer Bankruptcies in the Nation’s Largest Cities, Am. L. & Econ. Rev. (forthcoming). [SSRN]
Jonathon Zytnick, Do Mutual Funds Represent Individual Investors? (working paper). [SSRN]
Jonathon Zytnick, The Effects of a Selective Tax on Contract Design and Tax Timing (working paper). [SSRN]

Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

Alon Brav, Matthew Cain & Jonathon Zytnick, Retail Shareholder Participation in the Proxy Process: Monitoring, Engagement, and Voting 144 J. Fin. Econ. 492-522 (2021). [WWW] [SSRN]
Anu Bradford, Robert J. Jackson, Jr. & Jonathon Zytnick, Is E.U. Merger Control Used for Protectionsim? An Empirical Analysis, 15 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 165-191 (2018). [HEIN] [L] [SSRN]