Professor Ross earned her B.A. at Hamilton College and her J.D. at Harvard Law School. Before attending law school, Professor Ross served as Assistant Director of Admissions at Flagler College in Florida. She was a law clerk to the Honorable H. Lee Sarokin, U.S. District Judge for the District of New Jersey.

Following her clerkship, Professor Ross practiced law at the law firm of Gipson Hoffman & Pancione, Los Angeles, where she was a shareholder and member of the firm’s management committee. Her civil trial practice focused on media and entertainment disputes, including copyright, trademark, defamation, breach of contract, and shareholder derivative actions, with experience in all aspects of civil litigation, including pleadings, discovery, motions practice, trial, ADR, and appeals. While at Gipson Hoffman, she wrote a successful Petition for Certiorari and brief on the merits in the U.S. Supreme Court in Fogerty v. Fantasy, a copyright dispute.

Prof. Ross has taught at Georgetown since 1998 and has served as coordinator of the Upper Level Writing Program. She has served as Chair of Legal Research and Writing, Chair of the Teaching Committee, and Chair of the Judicial Clerkship Committee. Her courses have included Legal Practice; Legal Research and Writing; Legal Writing Seminar: Theory and Practice for Law Fellows; Music Law Seminar: Changing Landscapes in the Music Industry and the Law that Governs It; Entertainment Law Seminar; Week One: Law in a Global Context; Advanced Legal Writing Workshop; Advanced Legal Writing Workshop: Transactional Practice; and Transnational Legal Skills Workshop. She retired from full-time teaching and joined the emeritus faculty in 2021, and continues to periodically teach a seminar on music law.

In 2006, she was awarded the Georgetown Frank Flegal Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Professor Ross’ scholarship focuses on both intellectual property issues and legal writing pedagogy. Her recent works include a music law textbook, co-authored with Michael J. Huppe and published by West Academic in 2021, entitled Music Law: Changing Landscapes in the Music Industry and the Law That Governs It, and an article published in 2020 regarding formative assessment in law school classrooms, co-authored with Diana Donahoe.



Julie L. Ross & Michael J. Huppe, Music Law: Changing Landscapes in the Music Industry and the Law That Governs It (St. Paul, Minn.: West Academic 2021).
Diana Roberto Donahoe & Julie L. Ross, Legal Writing Pedagogy: Commenting, Conferencing, and Classroom Teaching (2013-2019).

Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

Julie Ross & Diana Donahoe, Lighting the Fires of Learning in Law School: Implementing ABA Standard 314 by Incorporating Effective Formative Assessment Techniques Across the Curriculum, 81 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 657-696 (2020).
[WWW] [Gtown Law] [HEIN] [W] [L] [SSRN]
Julie L. Ross, [Un]Happy Together: Why the Supremacy Clause Preempts State Law Digital Public Performance Rights in Radio-Like Streaming of Pre-1972 Sound Recordings, 62 J. Copyright Soc'y U.S.A. 545-606 (2015). [Gtown Law] [HEIN] [W] [L] [SSRN]
Julie L. Ross, A Generation of Racketeers? Eliminating Civil RICO Liability for Copyright Infringement, 13 Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 55-127 (2010). [WWW] [HEIN] [W] [L]