Professor Lake works with international law students on their academic legal reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. She received her B.A. from Oberlin College and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Linguistics from Georgetown University. With over 15 years of teaching experience, Professor Lake joined the Legal English Department at Georgetown Law in 2015. Her prior teaching experience includes serving as an English for Academic Purposes instructor for international students at Georgetown University and the University of Maryland, teaching conversational English classes in Berlin, Germany, and offering teacher training courses at Georgetown University and in Camaguey, Cuba. In addition to her teaching experience, she has recently carried out classroom-based and psycholinguistic research on reading comprehension and best practices for needs analyses in instructional settings.
Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals
Ellen J. Serafini, Julie B. Lake & Michael H. Long, Needs Analysis for Specialized Learner Populations: Essential Methodological Improvements, 40 Eng. Specific Purposes 11-26 (2015).
Julie B. Lake, 37 Stud. Second Language Acquisition 170-171 (2015) (reviewing Processing Perspectives on Task Performance (Peter Skehan ed., 2014)).
Selected Contributions to Other Publications
Andrew Jensen Kerr, Julie B. Lake & Catherine Spratt, Writing Centers as Spaces to Acculturate International Students to U.S. Legal Discourse, Second Draft, Spring 2016, at 17-21.
Nicole Ziegler, Corinne Seals, Steffi Ammons, Julie Lake, Phillip Hamrick & Patrick Rebuschat, Interaction in Conversation Groups: The Development of L2 Conversational Styles, inSecond Language Interaction in Diverse Educational Contexts 269-292 (Kim McDonough & Alison Mackey eds., Amsterdam, Neth.: John Benjamins Publishing 2013).
Alison Mackey, Akiko Fujii, Sigrun Biesenbach-Lucas, Heather Weger, Natalia Dolgova Jacobsen, Lyn Fogle, Julie Lake, Kerstin Sondermann, Kaitlyn Tagarelli, Mari Tsujita, Atsuko Watanabe, Rebekha Abbuhl & Katie Kim, Tasks and Traditional Practice Activities in a Foreign Language Context, inSecond Language Interaction in Diverse Educational Contexts 71-87 (Kim McDonough & Alison Mackey eds., Amsterdam, Neth.: John Benjamins Publishing 2013).