J.D., New York University; Ph.D., New York University
Professor Arlyck teaches civil procedure, federal courts, and legal history. His scholarship investigates the federal courts’ early history, with a particular focus on their involvement in national governance between ratification of the Constitution and the Civil War. His scholarship has been or will be published in Law and History Review, Columbia Law Review, NYU Law Review, Notre Dame Law Review, and Brigham Young University Law Review. He is currently working on a book exploring the important role the federal courts played in early U.S. foreign relations.
Before coming to Georgetown, Professor Arlyck received a J.D. and Ph.D. in history from New York University, and he clerked for the Hon. Sonia Sotomayor on the Supreme Court of the United States and the Hon. Robert Katzmann on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. He also held academic fellowships at Columbia Law and NYU School of Law, and spent several years in private practice at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe in New York.
U.S. Supreme Court Briefs
"Mark the Signing of the Constitution at a Special U.S. Courthouse Event," coverage in Downtown Alliance, September 9, 2024, featuring Professor Kevin Arlyck.
"Norfolk Southern Ruling Dulls Liability Shield for Companies," an opinion piece by Professor Kevin Arlyck, in Bloomberg Law, June 28, 2023.
"Supreme Court case could complicate thawing U.S.-Sudan relations," coverage by The National Journal, February 28, 2020, quoting Associate Professor Kevin Arlyick.