After graduating from the Law Center, Professor Tiscione (then Robbins) joined the firm of Kirkland & Ellis in Washington, D.C. While at Kirkland & Ellis, she specialized in commerical litigation, including products liability and copyright infringement. Professor Tiscione taught Legal Research and Writing while still in practice at the George Washington University National Law Center and then came to Georgetown to teach full-time. Her scholarly interests include classical and contemporary rhetoric, the role of emotion in law, feminist jurisprudence, and empirical research in the current practice of law and its implications for legal pedagogy.

She has served as an Editorial Board Member and Associate Editor of the Journal Of The Legal Writing Institute; a Director of the Association of Legal Writing Directors; an Affiliate Board Member of the Society of American Law Teachers; and a Director of the Legal Writing Institute (LWI), a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving legal communication, the teaching of legal writing, and the status of legal writing faculty nationwide. More recently, Tiscione has served as LWI’s President.

Her areas of expertise are Legal Research and Writing and Law and Rhetoric.



Classical Rhetoric and Contemporary Law: A Critical Reader (Francis J. Mootz, Kirsten K. Davis, Brian N. Larson & Kristen K. Tiscione eds., Tuscaloosa, Ala.: University of Alabama Press 2024).
Kristen K. Tiscione, Breviario di Scrittura Giuridica: Il Paradigma Perduto: Gli Strumenti Della Retorica Classica Per Scrivere in Modo Chiaro [Breviary of Legal Writing: Paradigm Lost: Classical Rhetorical Tools for Writing Clearly] (Salvatore Milianta trans., Santarcangelo di Romagna, It.: Maggioli Editore 2023).
Kristen Konrad Tiscione, Legal Writing: From Advice to Advocacy, A Contemporary Approach (St. Paul, Minn.: West Academic Publishing 2021).

Book Chapters & Collected Works

Kristen K. Tiscione, Plato: Legal Argument as the Distortion of Reality, in Classical Rhetoric and Contemporary Law: A Critical Reader 118-135 (Francis J. Mootz, Kirsten K. Davis, Brian N. Larson & Kristen K. Tiscione eds., Tuscaloosa, Ala.: University of Alabama Press 2024).
Brian N. Larson & Kristen K. Tiscione, Classical Rhetoric: Then and Now, in Classical Rhetoric and Contemporary Law: A Critical Reader 11-28 (Francis J. Mootz, Kirsten K. Davis, Brian N. Larson & Kristen K. Tiscione eds., Tuscaloosa, Ala.: University of Alabama Press 2024).