Lydia Slobodian is the Director of the Environmental Law and Policy Program, teaches courses in environmental law and is available via email at She specializes in international environmental law, with a focus on climate change and biodiversity. Professor Slobodian has supported development of national and international policy related to protected areas, wildlife, marine conservation, forest landscape restoration and access and benefit sharing in relation to genetic resources. She publishes on a wide range of topics including virtual water, illegal wildlife trade, synthetic biology, mangrove governance, conservation finance, legal effectiveness and intergenerational equity.

Prior to Georgetown, Professor Slobodian worked as Senior Legal Officer for IUCN, where she led the IUCN delegation to the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, and engaged with international processes under the Convention on Biological Diversity, Framework Convention on Climate Change, World Heritage Convention, Convention on Migratory Species and Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. She is a founding partner of L4Earth, an international nonprofit organization which strives to identify and promote legal levers for transformational planetary change.

Professor Slobodian is a member of the District of Columbia Bar Association and the World Commission on Environmental Law.