B.A., Pennsylvania State University; J.D., University of San Diego, School of Law
Michael Loesch is a partner in the corporate practice group of Winston & Strawn LLP in Washington DC, where he counsels clients with respect to CFTC and SEC enforcement investigations and regulatory compliance matters, including those involving energy trading and derivatives market activity. Michael has extensive enforcement and compliance experience that stems from his private practice and more than 14 years of federal regulatory and legislative service. He previously served in senior leadership positions at the CFTC and the SEC, includingChief of Staff and Chief Operating Officer at the CFTC, Counsel to the Chairman of the SEC, and Branch Chief and Senior Counsel in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. Before joining the SEC, Michael served in various roles as a staffer in the US Senate, including as Counsel, US Senate’s Committee on Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services.