B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.S., University of Wisconsin; J.D., University of Wisconsin
B.S., M.S., J.D., University of Wisconsin. Professor Herrnstadt currently is the Chief of Staff to the International President and Director of Trade and Globalization, at the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. As Chief of Staff, he assists in running one of the largest manufacturing and transportation unions in the world. As Director of Trade and Globalization, he develops policy for international trade, economic investment, international labor standards, and human rights matters. In addition to the Law Center, he teaches as an adjunct professor at the American University’s Washington College of Law. Professor Herrnstadt is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, U.S. Export-Import Bank Federal Advisory Committee, U.S. State Department Federal Advisory Committee on International Economics and Co-Chair of the State Department’s Stakeholder Advisory Board on OECD Guidelines. Professor Herrnstadt has also served as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Baltimore Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. He participated in the Committee on Applications and Standards at the ILO Annual meeting and has made numerous presentations on labor and employment law, international employment and labor law, corporate social responsibility, trade, manufacturing policy, human rights, and industrial relations in the U.S. and abroad. Professor Herrnstadt’s publications include, “Protecting Employee Free Choice: Sec. 8(a)(2) of the NLRA”, “Outsourcing and the Lack of U.S. Policy: What Do Other Countries Know that We Don’t?”, “Are International Framework Agreements A Path to Corporate Social Responsibility?” and “Time to Climb to the Mountain Top: A Call for Labor Law Reform”. In the summer of 2013, Professor Herrnstadt published two articles: “Strengthening the Collective Bargaining Rights of Precarious Workers”, International Journal of Labour Research, ILO, June 2013; and, “Corporate Social Responsibility, International Framework Agreements and Changing Corporate Behavior in the Global Workplace”, The American University Employment Law Forum, 2013. He has testified before Congress and federal agencies on numerous matters including labor and employment law, trade and manufacturing policy. He is a Fellow in the College of Labor and Employment Law and a Research Associate at the Economic Policy Institute. He has received the Practitioner Fellow Award by the Labor and Employment Research Association and the Georgetown University Silver Vicennial Award in recognition of service to the Georgetown community.