Professor Roe directs the Law Center’s D.C. Street Law Project and specializes in educating the public about the law. In the Street Law High Schools Clinic, law students teach practical law in high schools in the District of Columbia. In the Street Law Community Clinic, law students teach in community and correctional settings, such as the D.C. Jail, homeless shelters, addiction treatment centers and juvenile correctional settings. He also teaches the Literacy and Law seminar in fall semesters, examining how emergent readers develop their legal culture. Prior to joining the Law Center faculty full time in 1983, he served as Program Director of the National Institute for Citizen Education in the Law and Executive Director of the Coalition for Law Related Education in Washington, D.C., and as an adjunct professor in the former Street Law Corrections clinic. He also conducts numerous workshops throughout the country and the world on teaching about the law to the public. Since 2000, he has consulted with Street Law programs in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey, England and Cambodia and has participated in several international conferences in the field. He is the co-author of the high school textbook, Great Trials in American History. He has reviewed upcoming arguments in Preview of Supreme Court Cases, written several articles for Update on Law Related Education, edited the ABA publication “Putting on Mock Trials” and is the author of “Valuing Student Speech” in the California Law Review. Professor Roe founded and directed the D.C. Family Literacy Project, which taught prisoners and homeless families how to read with their children and other developmentally appropriate practices. His present research focuses on learning theory and its implications for law and law teaching.


Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

Catherine F. Klein, Richard Roe, Mizanur Rahman, Dipika Jain, Abhayraj Naik, Natalia Martinuzzi Castilho, Taysa Schiocchet, Sunday Kenechukwu Agwu, Olinda Moyd, Bianca Sukrow & Christoph König, Teaching About Justice by Teaching with Justice: Global Perspectives on Clinical Legal Education and Rebellious Lawyering, 68 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol’y 141-182 (2022).
[HEIN] [W] [L]
Seán Arthurs, Melinda Cooperman, Jessica Gallagher, Freda Grealy, John Lunney, Rob Marrs & Richard L. Roe, From Zero to 60: Building Belief, Capacity and Community in Street Law Instructors in One Weekend, 24 Int'l J. Clinical Legal Educ., no. 2, 2017, at 118-241.
Richard L. Roe, Family Literacy and the Law, 2 Geo. J. on Fighting Poverty 286-288 (1995). [HEIN] [W]

Book Chapters & Collected Works

Richard L. Roe, Street Law Clinics at Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., and Others, in The Education Pipeline to the Professions: Programs That Work To Increase Diversity 135-144 (Sarah E. Redfield ed., Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press 2012). [BOOK]
Richard L. Roe, The Emerging Voices Project of the Latin American Montessori Bilingual Public Charter School (LAMB) and the Georgetown Street Law Clinic, in The Education Pipeline to the Professions: Programs That Work To Increase Diversity 13-23 (Sarah E. Redfield ed., Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press 2012). [BOOK]