Sara Colangelo is an Associate Professor of Law and the Director of the Environmental Law & Justice Clinic. She is the 2020 recipient of the Georgetown Law Fahy Teaching Award. From 2015-2021 Professor Colangelo served as Director of Georgetown’s Environmental Law and Policy Program, teaching multiple courses in environmental law. Her research examines environmental law and justice issues with multidisciplinary lenses to identify options for redressing environmental harms, particularly those that intersect with other forms of oppression. She also considers how tensions between competing values are resolved in environmental decision-making and regulatory processes, with a focus on values implicating core tenets of environmental justice. Her scholarship is forthcoming or has appeared in the California Law Review, Harvard Environmental Law Review, in the book Environmental Law Before the Courts: A US-EU Narrative, and other law journals. Professor Colangelo has served as lead and co-author for U.S. Supreme Court amicus briefs, testified before Congress, and is a frequent contributor to media outlets. She is also a member of multiple boards and committees on environmental law and scholarship, environmental justice, and science and health.

Previously Professor Colangelo served as a trial attorney for the Environmental Enforcement Section (EES) of the Environment and Natural Resources Division at the Department of Justice for many years. She joined the Division through the Attorney General’s Honors Program. At EES, she managed complex civil environmental enforcement cases for pollution control and cleanup of hazardous waste sites to negotiated or litigated resolution, appearing on behalf of the United States in trials across the country. Professor Colangelo received multiple awards from the Environmental Protection Agency and from the Environment Division for her work. In addition, she was nominated for two awards from the Attorney General.

Professor Colangelo is a graduate of Georgetown Law, where she was a student in the Clinic she now directs. She also served as research assistant to Professor Richard Lazarus and was a member of the Georgetown International Environmental Law Review. She holds a B.A. from Brown University, where she graduated magna cum laude, was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, and received the William Gaston Premium Scholarship.



Environmental Law Before the Courts - A US-EU Narrative (Giovanni Antonelli, Michael Gerrard, Sara Colangelo, Giancarlo Montedoro, Maurizio Santise, Luc Lavrysen & Maria Vittoria Ferroni eds., Cham, Switz.: Springer 2023).

Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

Sara A. Colangelo, Bridging Silos: Environmental and Reproductive Justice in the Climate Crisis, 112 Calif. L. Rev. 1255-1319 (2024). [WWW] [Gtown Law] [W] [SSRN]
Sara A. Colangelo, Forging Complete Justice: Equitable Relief in Environmental Enforcement, 46 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 315-365 (2022).
[WWW] [HEIN] [W] [L]

Forthcoming Works - Book Chapters & Collected Works

Sara A. Colangelo & Sheila Foster, Environmental Justice Litigation, Entry, in Environmental Justice Encyclopedia (Sage Publications forthcoming).

Book Chapters & Collected Works

Sara A. Colangelo & Abigail André, Environmental Justice Before U.S. Courts, in Environmental Law Before the Courts - A US-EU Narrative 57-88 (Giovanni Antonelli, Michael Gerrard, Sara Colangelo, Giancarlo Montedoro, Maurizio Santise, Luc Lavrysen & Maria Vittoria Ferroni eds., Cham, Switz.: Springer 2023).