B.S., Cornell; J.D., Pace University
Sean Nolon serves as the FDIC’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Counsel in the Ethics and ADR Unit of the Legal Division. He advises and assists the Corporation on all ADR activities. Prior to joining the FDIC, Professor Nolon was the Vice Dean for Faculty and a Professor of Law Vermont Law School where he directed the Dispute Resolution program. He teaches and writes in the fields of negotiation, dispute resolution, environmental law, land use, and governance. He has significant experience as a lawyer, ombuds, mediator, negotiator, and facilitator in employment, land use, environmental, public policy and commercial disputes.
His scholarship has been cited by the Massachusetts Supreme Court. He is the author and co-author of numerous chapters, books, and articles in the law journals of Florida University, Fordham University, Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School, University of Oregon, Idaho University, and Pace University.
He has designed and taught courses at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, Pepperdine Law School, Northeastern Law School and Dartmouth College.
Professor Nolon received the Honors Award from the New York State Bar Association’s Environmental Law Section and is licensed to practice law in New York.