Sherally Munshi earned her JD from Harvard Law School and a PhD in Literature from Columbia University. Before coming to Georgetown, she was a Perkins / LAPA Fellow at Princeton University. Her areas of scholarly interests include property law, immigration law, and critical legal theory. Her writing has appeared in the Yale Journal of Law &Humanities, the American Journal of Comparative Law, and Harper’s. Prior to teaching, she worked as a legal associate at Willkie Farr &Gallagher, LLP, in New York.


Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

Sherally Munshi, Int’l J.L. Context (First View), Jan. 8, 2024, at 1-7 (reviewing Stephanie DeGooyer, Before Borders: A Legal and Literary History of Naturalization (Johns Hopkins University Press 2022)).
Sherally Munshi, Remembering Thind, 46 Ethnic Stud. Rev. 98-116 (2023). [WWW]
Sherally Munshi, Dispossession: An American Property Law Tradition, 110 Geo. L.J. 1021-1096 (2022). [WWW] [HEIN] [W] [L]
Sherally Munshi, Unsettling the Border, 67 UCLA L. Rev. 1720-1767 (2021).
[WWW] [HEIN] [W] [L]

Book Chapters & Collected Works

Sherally Munshi, The Grid and the Map: Intersectionality in Migration, in The Routledge Companion to Intersectionalities 279-292 (Jennifer C. Nash & Samantha Pinto eds., New York: Routledge 2023). [BOOK]