China Legal Knowledge Resources

Subjects: China, Foreign Law

The largest and most comprehensive electronic database published by CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database is an all-rounded access to resources in Chinese language including CAJ (China Academic Journals covering 10 major academic disciplines from 1994 onward ); CJP (Century Journal Project, 1915-1993), China Doctoral Dissertations Full-Text Database (from 1999 onward), China Master's Thesis Full-Text Database, China Proceedings of Conferences Full-Text Database (from 2000 onward), China Core Newspapers Full-Text Database (2000 onward), China Yearbooks Full-Text Database (1912 onward) and China Reference Works Online. Single database searching or cross-database federated searching option is available.CLKD integrates the only content officially sanctioned by the People's Republic of China allowing users to follow both national and local laws enacted from 1949 to date. Includes: Laws and regulations from 1949 to date; Cases from 1979 to date; Law reviews/journals from 1994 to date from 2, 900 journals published in China (including a growing number in English); Dissertations/theses from 1999 to date, from 35 JD and 130 LLM programs; Conference proceedings from 2000 to date (90% full text in Chinese, 10% in English); and Newspaper articles from June 2000 to date.


Subjects: China, Foreign Law

"LawInfoChina is an English-language web site that publishes Chinese statutes, regulations, cases, government policies, legal news, treaties, law review articles, and law links. The English versions are for reference only. Use the Chinese versions for authority. ChinaLawInfo is an online legal database in Chinese, including more than 270,000 pieces of laws, regulations, legal essays, and other legal information of China, as well as the content of all legal gazettes published in China, such as the Gazette of the Supreme People's 'Court of the People's Republic of China' and others. The Chinese database contains more content than the English database."

LexisNexis China Law Database

Subjects: China, Foreign Law

"The LexisNexis China Law Database is a collection of Chinese laws, regulations, tax information, judicial decisions, and other legal documents, collected from government sources, and TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH by LexisNexis China Online (COL) in Beijing. Government sources include the National People's Congress, the State Council, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Justice, Finance and other ministries, the State Environmental Protection Administration, and other departments and offices. You can search for all available documents classified by topic (e.g. tax, trade, environment, insurance), or create your own word search. Excluded: laws of public service, social policy, constitution, criminal law, employment and human resources and procedure laws."