CCH Tax Research Network
Accounting, International Taxation, Taxation
CCH Tax Research Network contains the online counterparts to CCH's many tax publications, including the Standard Federal Tax Reporter and tax materials for all 50 states. Includes full text of all primary sources, plus CCH's own commentary and analysis. User can search full text, browse by code section, or retrieve a document by its citation.
HeinOnline: History of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Law, Taxation
Includes primary source documents, as well as treatises, legislative histories, and scholarly works, both current and historical, related to bankruptcy law in the United States.
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation
International Taxation, Taxation
The IBFD database contains over 40 online publications on international taxation covering every country in the world, access to Tax News Service for the latest tax news from around the globe, and a copy of almost every book published by IBFD (excluding books published in cooperation with 3rd parties). A major focus is the taxation systems of Europe.
ProQuest Accounting and Tax
Accounting, Journals and Journal Indexes, Taxation
"ProQuest Accounting & Tax database contains accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial management information. The database includes over 2,170 titles, as well as IASB, AICPA, and FASB accounting standards. It is national and international in scope, providing information on accounting policies and standards, state and national legislation, corporate and individual taxation, compensation and pension plans, and corporate financial management. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."
International Taxation, Taxation
Note: First-time Georgetown Law users need to create an individual account. On-campus users should register at the Tax Notes registration page. Off-campus users should register at Tax Notes - Registration for Off-Campus Users. Register for your profile using your Georgetown Law email. After you complete your registration, sign in to Tax Notes using your individual username and password. The Law Library has subscriptions to the electronic versions of three weekly publications: Tax Notes (Federal News & Analysis), State Tax Notes, and Tax Notes International. In addition, the library subscribes to Tax Practice, Federal Research Library, Tax Notes Today, State Tax Today and Worldwide Tax Daily. Georgetown faculty and students can sign up to receive daily emails of Tax Notes Today plus access an archive going back to 1987 on the web site.