Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Manager

Subjects: Corporations

In-depth profiles of international and US publicly-traded corporations used for ratings, screening and compliance tool. Industry Reports compares companies with key takeaways. Companies can be screened by countries, GICS sub-industries or by issues covered relate to abortion, adult entertainment, alcohol, cluster bombs, contraceptives, firearms, tobacco, gambling, nuclear power, global weapons, and landmines. Reports includes details and controversies on energy efficiency, human capital development, customers, privacy and data securities, human rights, corporation governance, raw material sourcing, labor management, supply change labor, and electronic waste, chemical safety, bribery & fraud, and more.

Macey on Corporation Laws

Subjects: Corporations, Treatise with supplements

"Macey on Corporation Laws provides a detailed examination of three of the most important bodies of corporation law: the Model Business Corporation Act, the Delaware General Corporation Law, and the American Law Institute's Principles of Corporate Governance. Accessed via the CCH Business and Finance Network."

Mergent InvestorEdge

Subjects: Business, Corporations

Company profiles, Corporate Bond reports, price data, annual reports, SEC filings and industry reports. Includes Ford Equity Research Reports, Moody’s Bond Reports, ratings, and Corporate Bond Yield Averages.

Mergent Online

Subjects: Business, Corporations, Securities Law

Full-text information on U.S. and non-U.S. companies. Includes company history, officers, subsidiaries, financial data, and annual reports. Access to SEC filings (EDGAR) back to 1993. Also includes Company Archives for historical information and US and International Industry Reports. Provides up to 30 years of historical daily international stock pricing.

Standard and Poor's netAdvantage

Subjects: Business, Corporations

Broad spectrum of industry, company and investment analysis including S&P Industry Surveys, Stock Reports (S&P Equity Research), and “Markets” tab with drill downs to industry and sub-industry key ratios, benchmarks, constituents, etc. Company data covers a global universe of over 3 million private and public companies. Print equivalents include Standard & Poor's: Stock Reports, Company Profiles, Bond Guide, Corporation Records, Mutual Fund Reports, Security Dealers of North America, Register of Corporations, Directors & Executives, Industry Surveys, and The Outlook.