Georgetown Law Faculty Honored for Teaching and Scholarship
May 1, 2018
Professor Lilian Faulhaber, an expert in taxation and international law, was honored on April 26 with Georgetown Law’s Frank F. Flegal Excellence in Teaching Award.
“I don’t think I’ve ever read teaching evaluations that had so many varieties of superlatives…all the different kinds of qualities that Lily’s students value in her,” said Professor Naomi Mezey, who chairs the Teaching Committee that chose the award.
Reading from those evaluations, Mezey said that Faulhaber cares about her students — and cares about what she’s trying to teach them. She’s especially adept at discerning between students who are insufficiently prepared, and those who are simply confused; and in providing substantive guidance on papers. Many students are now considering additional tax courses, or even careers in tax, because of Faulhaber’s classes. “She is kind of an apostle at tax…even those who did not love tax love Lily.”
Several members of Georgetown Law’s J.D. and LL.M. adjunct faculty were also honored. Associate Dean Julie O’Sullivan announced that this year’s Charles Fahy Distinguished Professor Award for the J.D. Program went to Kondi Kleinman (L’05) — a Department of Justice prosecutor and Georgetown Law alum who teaches Negotiations. “His teaching reviews would make all of us green with envy,” O’Sullivan said. “They are extraordinary.”
Associate Dean Rosa Brooks presented the Fahy Distinguished Professor Award for Graduate Programs to Judge Florence Y. Pan of the District of Columbia Superior Court, who teaches constitutional law and criminal procedure. “We have some of the world’s most amazing adjuncts; we are so fortunate to be here in Washington…so fortunate to get the time and the talent and the energy of so many extraordinary people,” Brooks said.
Pan, Brooks said, “has been incredibly caring and committed to her students…students say she inspires them to think deeply and critically both about the U.S. legal system and about the legal system that they come from. She creates the perfect environment for students from all over the world to express their views and their perspectives[.]”
Longtime Adjunct Professor Kevin Keyes, who passed away in February, was remembered for his 28 years of teaching classes including corporate tax.
Associate Dean John Mikhail presented a rundown of the scholarship of Georgetown Law professors during 2017-2018, including books, law review articles, Supreme Court briefs, congressional testimony and more.
Finally, Professor Daniel Tarullo, who served on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors from 2009 to 2017, delivered a keynote address on the history and structure of the Federal Reserve. Tarullo specializes in banking and finance, international law and international trade.
“[M]y experiences…led me to the view I’ve had for quite some time that the Fed’s organization and authorities raise some issues of constitutional significance that bear exposition by an insider, albeit someone [trained as] a law professor, not a true member of the central bank club…” Tarullo noted, adding that the structure made sense for the original Federal Reserve in 1914. “If we were starting from scratch, I’d change a lot — but we’re not starting from scratch.”
It was a terrific week for Georgetown Law faculty. On April 24, former Assistant Dean and current Adjunct Professor Everett Bellamy was honored at Georgetown University’s Entrepalooza, a celebration of entrepreneurship, with an Entrepreneurial Excellence Award for Lifetime Achievement as a faculty member. Dean William M. Treanor presented the award along with Jeff Reid, the founding director of The Georgetown Entrepreneurship Initiative. “It is a wonderful recognition of Everett’s pathbreaking commitment to teaching entrepreneurship, Treanor said.
Adjunct Professor Judge Pan noted at the luncheon that while it is a privilege to teach, it is also a sacrifice. “Nothing is more important than what we are doing here as educators,” she said, “and nothing is more worthwhile.”