The Color of Surveillance: Government Monitoring of American Religious Minorities
July 16, 2018
WASHINGTON – On Thursday, July 19, Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy & Technology will host its third annual Color of Surveillance conference with a focus on government monitoring of religious minorities in the United States.
In the wake of rising Islamophobia in the United States, it is critical to appreciate deep and disparate impact of government monitoring on American religious minorities – from the Pilgrims in 16th and 17th century England, to early Mormons on the frontier, to modern, post-9/11 surveillance systems. Over the course of one day, historians, legal leaders, civil rights activists, artists and other experts at The Color of Surveillance: Government Monitoring of American Religious Minorities will examine our past and explore current questions, such as: Is modern surveillance is consistent with the intentions of the American founders? Can modern counterterrorism initiatives appropriately protect civil rights and civil liberties? And how are communities, advocates, and artists responding to these challenges?
See full schedule and expert bios here:
Thursday, July 19, 2018
8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Georgetown Law
Hart Auditorium
600 New Jersey Ave.
Washington, DC 20001
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