Lecture Capture Scheduling

Please consult the Law Center classroom recording policy for more information on course recording.

Three Year Academic Calendar for Georgetown Law Center

Exceptions to this rule are as follows:


  • **Some** Holidays require a change in the recording schedule as classes are shifted from the day that classes were not in session to a day later in the week. For example, in some cases, Monday classes that were cancelled due to a Holiday and are made up on Tuesday, or another day of that same week. The lecture capture schedule will adjust for this chang. Please see the Academic calendar for more information on holiday reschedules.

Unofficial room or date change

  • Recordings will be auto-scheduled for the assigned room and class date/s associated with the course in the curriculum guide. If there is a room change or a date change for one or more classes that is not an official or permanent change, please fill out the form link below if you wish to record in a different room than assigned. IST will attempt to accommodate the request given requisite lead time and the presence of lecture capture recording capability in your room. Please note that this is different from an EMS schedule request and only reflects a request to record.

Inclement Weather (Instructional Continuity) Please see the Inclement Weather Policy site for more information

Ad-Hoc class recordings

  • If you plan to teach an additional class session such as a review or make up session that is outside of your regularly scheduled session and wish for this session to be recorded, please visit the Rescheduling and Review Classes site to find the correct form links and make an official request for your room reservation and time.

Courses or Seminars that fall outside of the regular semester

  • If you teach a course that falls outside of the regular semester schedule, please double check with A/V to ensure that your course is indeed being captured. (contact information here)

Lecture Recording Retention Policy

  • All classroom recordings will be retained until the eve of the first day of the semester following the semester in which the recorded class is taught.
  • Faculty members do not have the ability to delete classroom videos, but they do have the ability to edit classroom videos to which students have access—for example, by eliminating dead space at the beginning or end of a video, or by choosing to make a video unavailable. However, the original version of all videos will be retained by IST until the normal deletion date for those videos.


Please contact the IST Service Desk at caphelp@georgetown.edu for more information on any of the above information.