Lecture Recording Accommodations and Special Requests
It is important to note that depending on the course, availability of recordings may vary. Courses fall in to 1 of 3 categories related to recording:
- Classes are automatically recorded and available for viewing by students via the Panopto link in Canvas
- Classes are automatically recorded but not available for viewing by default. Students must make a request using the Lecture Recording Request form (linked below) for access to a recording from the instructor. A link will be provided by IST once permission is approved.
- Classes are not recorded. Students must request in advance for a faculty member to record (including for requests related to religious observance), however there is no obligation to record based on requests.
It is advised that you contact your instructor directly to get information about their recording preferences, including whether they have chosen to have their course recorded or not. Please see below for information about recording requests accommodations:
- The Student Lecture Recording Request Form is for classes where faculty record classes, but do not allow full access to lectures.
- Please do not fill out the form if your instructor allows access to recordings by default.
- Please do no not fill out the form if your faculty member has chosen not to record classes.
- For students in need of accommodations for medical circumstances, visit the Office of Accessibility Services website.
Related Class Recording Information
Students can get more information about class recording by viewing the Georgetown University Law Center Classroom and Event Recording Policy.