We are here to assist you through each step, including design elements, managing registration, inviting media when appropriate, captioning, and technical support during the virtual event.

Planning your Event

  • Do not leave it until the last minute! For Student Org Events, please submit your request, and for non-Student events please use this link to place a request. Please make your request at least 5 days prior to the event date. This time is needed to plan the design elements and create the invitation and registration links, and to ensure that there is appropriate technical support available for the event.
  • Just like an in-person event, think about how you want your virtual event set up for your speakers and attendees. Will this be an open discussion with all attendees, or more of a panel discussion? The type of event you want to host will affect the type of virtual format that will be used. The two types of virtual events we manage are Zoom Conferences and Zoom Webinars.
    • Zoom Conferences are more like the general Zoom meetings. It allows for all attendees to be seen and interact with everyone else. The manager of the event does have the ability to mute people as necessary
    • Zoom Webinars will only allow the speakers/panelist to talk and be seen during the event. Attendees can chat in questions. Webinars take more technical expertise, and an AV technician will be available.
  • Who is the audience for your event? Are you planning to invite people outside of the law center community to attend? Will it be open to the media? OEM can invite members of the Law Center community to your event; Communications can invite media. OEM and Communications can also help with design elements you and your partners can use to invite other external audiences.  We do highly encourage using the Zoom Registration for Meetings and Events for security purposes.
  • Captions

Filming Tips

  • Lighting matters. Choose a well-lit location, with light shining on your face, not coming from behind or above you.
  • Choose a quiet location with no echo.
  • Frame the shot tight enough so your head and shoulders fill most of the screen.
  • Make sure the camera is eye level and look directly at the camera.