Reporting Sexual Misconduct
If you have experienced or witnessed an act of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex-based discrimination, you are encouraged to tell someone about the incident, otherwise known as making a report. This is NOT the same as filing a formal conduct code or criminal complaint
An individual has various options before making a report, and for making the report:
1. Consult with the SARVL
If you are unsure about whether you want to make a Title IX report or file a formal complaint, it may be helpful to speak to a confidential counselor.
As described above, at the Law Center the confidential counselor is Sarah Stanley, Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Liaison (SARVL). Speaking with the SARVL does not foreclose the opportunity to make a report to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator or file a formal complaint at a later time.
The SARVL can help you understand what reporting options are available and assist with the process if you choose to file a formal complaint.
The information disclosed will be held completely confidential.
Sarah Stanley
Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Liaison (SARVL)
2. Speak with the Deputy Title IX Coordinator
The Deputy Title IX Coordinator provides information about available support resources, explains the University’s policies and complaint processes, and coordinates protective measures and other services for individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct.
The Deputy Title IX Coordinator will keep all information about the incident private to the fullest extent possible, unless doing so will jeopardize the safety of the campus community.
Lisa Curtis
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Hotung 3101
3. Make an Online Report
If you wish to make a report to the university in writing, you should submit your report online. This report goes to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, Samantha Berner, who will notify the Law Center’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Lisa Curtis, to send you an email explaining your options and available resources. You may file a report online anonymously. However, please note that anonymous reports likely will limit the ability of the University to take any further action or respond to your particular needs.
Note: Telling someone about an incident of sexual misconduct or making a report online is not the same as filing a formal complaint. It is your choice to file a complaint or not. Supportive resources are available to you whether or not you choose to file a complaint.