Exam Conflicts

Examinations will be rescheduled for the following exam conflicts:

  1. Any student who has two examinations which BEGIN less than 24 hours apart.  Examinations which BEGIN within 24 hours (for example, at 9:00 a.m. on one day and 9:00 a.m. on the following calendar day) DO NOT constitute a conflict under this rule.
  2. Any student who has three examinations scheduled within four consecutive days, or four examinations scheduled within five consecutive days.

Students with exam conflicts will automatically be assigned a new exam schedule approximately six weeks before the exam period.  Students will be notified of the new exam dates and times via email and the new schedule will also appear on the Exam/Paper Management System.

The conflicting examination will be determined only by the Office of the Registrar.  Examinations rescheduled because of conflicts may be given at any date and allotted time during the examination period or on the date and allotted time listed for deferred examinations on the academic calendar.

If, after the Office of the Registrar has rescheduled an examination, there is a material change in a student’s examination schedule (i.e., withdrawal from a course, substitution of a take-home examination for an in-class examination, etc.) which would eliminate the conflict, it is the student’s responsibility under the Student Disciplinary Code, as outlined in the Conduct Policies chapter of the Georgetown Law Student Handbook, to notify the Office of the Registrar of the change in order to determine whether he or she remains eligible for a rescheduled examination.

Exam Deferrals

Dates for all in-class examinations and for the take-home examination window are announced at the time the course schedule is released so that students may anticipate the dates of their exams and schedule personal, travel, and employment plans that do not interfere with these dates.  DO NOT schedule any employment or personal travel plans during the examination period.  Please note that exams may be deferred during or after the regular examination period.  Deferred exam dates are listed in the Academic Calendar.  LL.M. and part-time J.D. students may for unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances request to have an examination rescheduled for reasons of employment; documentation is required.

The Law Center’s rules for deferred examinations are as follows:

1.)  Requests to defer exams will be DENIED if for:

a.)  Travel, vacation, or other personal plans; and

b.) Employment reasons for full-time J.D. students.

2.  Examinations will be rescheduled for:

a.) Exam Conflicts (see rules for Exam Conflicts above)

b.) Extraordinary Cause: Students may request an exam deferral for extraordinary cause, as stated in the Exam Relief Policies in the General Administrative Policies chapter of the Georgetown Law Student Handbook.  The requirements of a full-time J.D. student’s employment or future employment will not be regarded as an extraordinary cause (LL.M. and part-time J.D. students may for unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances request to have an examination rescheduled for reasons of employment if supporting documentation is provided).  Please also note that, absent exceptional circumstances, missed time during the semester will not be cause for an exam deferral.  The following are reasons that will be considered in granting deferrals:

  1. Physical or Mental Illness of Student;
  2. Death or serious illness in immediate family;
  3. Automobile accident, mugging, robbery, or similar traumatic experience at the time of the examination or period immediately preceding the examination;
  4. Subpoena requiring court appearance at the time of the examination or period immediately preceding the examination;
  5. Childbirth during the exam period or immediately preceding the exam period (applies to either parent);
  6. Religious observance (including accommodations for fasting);
  7. Military commitment. Written military orders are required; and
  8. Extraordinary circumstances.

Students will have to provide documentation along with their request.  For example, a student seeking a deferred examination for medical reasons must be seen by a medical provider.  A written medical diagnosis must then be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by fax (202-662-9235) or by PDF to lawreg@georgetown.edu, prior to the start of the exam.  Medical certificates are subject to verification and approval.  Please contact the Office of the Registrar at 202-662-9220 or at lawreg@georgetown.edu if you need additional information or assistance.

Do not contact your professor if you need to have an exam deferred.  The professor cannot grant an exam deferral, ONLY the Office of the Registrar can grant a deferral.

You may not indicate to the professor that your exam has been deferred.

Once an exam is deferred, you will receive an email with the new exam date and time.  Exam deferrals will also appear on the Exam/Paper Management System.

Fall 2024 Exam Deferral Dates:

Saturday, December 14, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Friday, January 10, 2025
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Sunday, January 12, 2025

Spring 2025 Exam Deferral Dates:

Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
Thursday, May 8, 2025
Friday, May 9, 2025