The Office of the Registrar administers examinations for Georgetown Law students.  On this page, you will find important information including exam dates, policies, instructions, and tech support.

All exams are administered through the Exam4 software application and graded on an anonymous basis.  Students are subject to the Student Disciplinary Code and, as such, self-identification of any kind within the exam is not permitted; nor may they discuss the substance of the exam with faculty or with any other student from the time the exam is first administered until after grades are published.

Please review in full the Fall 2024 Law Center Rules on Final Examinations/Papers and Preventing Violations of Exam Policies and the Student Disciplinary Code.

Exam4 (Exam Software) Information

Exam4 currently supports:

  • Windows 10 (Home, Pro, Edu and Enterprise) [versions 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2, 23H2]
  • Windows 11 (Home, Pro, Edu and Enterprise) [versions 21H2**, 22H2**, 23H2, 24H2]
  • macOS 15.x.x Sequoia
  • macOS 14.x.x Sonoma
  • macOS 13.x.x Ventura
  • macOS 12.x.x Monterey**

** Extegrity Support for these operating systems ends August 1, 2025

Note: Exam4 does not support new upgrade versions of Windows and Mac OS upon release.

Minimum specification requirements:

  • 2 GB Ram
  • 500 MB Storage
  • Screen resolution of 800×600 or higher
  • 64-bit Operating System

You MUST be logged into a user-account that has full administrative rights to your device in order to run Exam4.  Work laptops are not recommended for use as administrator rights are maintained by the respective organization/company.  Users of institututionally owned/controlled devices should contact their IT Department for assistance.  Exam4 requires administrator rights every time it is used for an in-class and/or takehome exam.

Exam Procedures

Students retrieve their exam schedules and Exam Numbers by logging into the Exam/Paper Management System.

Important details regarding the administration of take-home examinations (accessed independently by students within a designated period of time) can be found by clicking on the following link: Take-Home Exam Procedures.

Important details regarding the administration of in-class examinations  can be found by clicking on the following link: In-Class Exam Procedures

The Office of the Registrar manages exam conflicts and deferrals. All such requests should be directed to the Office of the Registrar; not to faculty or other administrative offices.  Information regarding exam deferrals, exam conflicts, the Student Disciplinary Code and other Georgetown Law Policies may be found by clicking the following link for the online Georgetown Law Student Handbook.  Instructions for submitting a request can be found by clicking on the following link: Exam Conflicts and Exam Deferrals.

Per Academic Policy, students may request to review exams and final papers that have been returned to the Office of the Registrar during a scheduled exam review period each semester.  Details and instructions may be found by clicking on the following link: Exam Review.

Contact Information:

Exam Administration & Policy
Office of the Registrar
Hotung 4th Floor
202-662-9220 (during office hours)

Ethics Counsel
Professor Michael Frisch
415 McDonough Hall

Exam4 Technical Issues
Exam4 User Support

General Computer Issues
IST Help Desk
152 McDonough Hall