Delaney Post-Graduate Residency Program
The Delaney Post-Graduate Residency Program is a training and mentoring program for graduates participating in year-long, public interest Postgrad Fellowships in the greater Washington, D.C. region.
This program, made possible thanks to a generous gift from alumni April McClain-Delaney, L’89 and Rep. John Delaney, L’88, was established to help fellows bridge the gap between law school and practice. It provides a powerful complement to host organizations’ existing professional development programming, while offering critical community-building, networking, and mentoring opportunities. View a list of the host organizations where our participating fellows worked in 2017-2018.
The program will run for the academic year and will have three components:
- Orientation and cohort building: Fellows attend a one-day orientation program in the fall. They receive an overview of the program, meet their cohort (a group of three or four fellows with shared interests), and participate in trainings on communication, peer coaching, and other topics to help prepare them for their fellowships. They will continue their learning and self-reflection through cohort meetings in the fall and winter, where they will have the opportunity to discuss their experiences and provide each other with supportive and productive feedback.
- Skills workshops: Throughout the academic year, the program will offer a number of skills workshops at the Law Center. Topics may include managing crucial conversations with clients and opposing counsel, presentation skills, stakeholder management, drafting policy briefs, legal ethics and new technology, running an effective and compliant advocacy campaign, and researching on a budget. Fellows are required to attend at least four skills workshop sessions over the course of the program. View a list of our skills sessions offered in 2017-2018.
- Mentoring and bridge to permanency: Beginning in the winter, cohorts will meet with mentors to discuss their experiences at their fellowships and their transition to permanent employment after the fellowship. Mentors will be attorneys practicing in the same area of law or practice as their assigned cohort.
How do I become a Host Organization?
Learn more about our Partner Fellowships and email Ruby Sheikh, Assistant Director, Public Interest Employer & Alumni Outreach to learn more about becoming a Partner Fellowship host. Currently, the Delaney Post-Graduate Residency Program works with Partner Fellowships in the greater Washington, D.C. region.
How do I become a Delaney Fellow?
Once a student is offered a position as a Partner Fellow, the student will be invited to apply to the Delaney Post-Graduate Residency Program. Fellows with questions about the program or application process can be directed to Email Morgan Lynn-Alesker, Interim Director of the Delaney Post-Graduate Residency Program.
For general questions, please email the Delaney Program.